There are various types of heart failure. You can have one or both. The main symptoms of heart failure include stiffness, weakness, or both. A cardiologist in Dubai will help you determine which type you have. A left ventricle will cause the problem, while a right one will be affected only when the other is weak. Here is a brief guide to heart failure. If you experience any of these symptoms, see a doctor immediately.
Heart failure is caused by weak:
When the heart muscles are not able to pump blood properly, the result is heart failure. This can be caused by two different conditions. Heart failure due to diastolic dysfunction occurs when the heart muscle does not relax and is stiff. This leads to the back-up of blood in the pulmonary arteries and left atrium. In this situation, the heart cannot pump enough blood to get the body moving. The lungs may become swollen due to the backup of blood. Secondly, heart failure due to systolic dysfunction occurs when one or both of the heart’s chambers are weak or weakened.
When the heart’s muscles become stiff and unable to pump blood efficiently, it can lead to heart failure. This is a condition in which the heart’s muscle no longer pumps enough blood out of the ventricles to keep up with normal demands. A test to determine whether or not a person is at risk for heart failure is known as the ejection fraction, which shows how much blood the heart can pump per beat. A healthy heart has an ejection fraction of 50% or more, meaning more than half of the blood in the ventricle is pumped out with every beat. However, heart failure can occur even in people with a normal ejection fraction, because of the stiffness of the heart muscle caused by high blood pressure.
Coronary artery disease:
Your heart is a muscle about the size of your fist. It pumps blood throughout your body, beating at roughly 70 beats per minute. Blood from the right side of your heart goes to the lungs, where it picks up oxygen. Coronary artery disease can affect your heart’s ability to pump blood properly. When the arteries become clogged, they cannot pump blood properly, causing heart failure.
In most cases, alcoholic cardiomyopathy can be diagnosed through a medical history and physical examination. Certain lab tests and X-rays can help diagnose the disorder. A doctor will also listen to the heart and lungs for murmurs and crackling sounds. The heart may also appear enlarged in an echocardiogram. The chest X-ray may show fluid and congestion in the lungs and is the first step in identifying alcoholism causes heart failure.